WIDE OPEN Art and Science Award - Registrations open

Ulrike Bernard, Caroline Profanter, AUI OI, 2013. Collezione Museion. Photo: c_gregor_khuen_belasi

WIDE OPEN: from visual art to sound, from performing arts to architecture to science. An award extended to the widest contamination between the different languages of contemporaneity which will select an artistic project to be produced and implemented as part of the Transart Festival 2018 and Klangspuren Schwaz 2018.

WIDE OPEN is an evolution of the artist prize created in 2011 on the initiative of the Transart Festival, Museion and the Südtiroler Künstlerbund. The competition, created to promote contemporary artistic creation, is now growing and extending its boundaries, both physically, thanks to the involvement of partners from Trentino and Tyrol, and in terms of its interdisciplinary vocation, expanding to science. This renewed edition presents a further novelty: aware that the experimentation and development of projects require phases of study and research, the promoting institutions have introduced a mentoring program with which they will support, also financially, the production of the winning project.

The prize consists of an amount of 15,000.00 euros for the production of the project, to which is added a mentoring program for a maximum cost of 5,000.00 euros to cover any travel expenses, organization of meetings and research, connected with the development of the presented project. Artists, musicians, choreographers, directors, documentary makers, theater companies and architects who were born, live or have been active for at least 2 years within the Trentino Alto Adige and Tyrol region can participate in the competition.

The award is organized by the Transart Festival, Museion, the SKB Südtiroler Künstlerbund and the partner institutions MUSE - Museo delle Scienze (Trento) and TAXISPALAIS Kunsthalle Tirol in collaboration with Klangspuren Schwaz, Tiroler Festival für neue Musik.

The deadline for registration is October 2, 2017, by 5.00 pm.

WIDE OPEN call - Art and Science Award

Registration form WIDE OPEN - Art and Science Award

To request information relating to the prize:
Transart Festival
t +39 0471 673070 / 665369

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