#TeleMuseion #Collection: Installations & The “new languages” of sculpture

Monica Bonvicini Stonewall III, 2002 Installazione, 2 x 12,3 x 1 m. Ed. 2/3 Museion. Photo: Augustin Ochsenreiter


Installations, works composed of different elements and objects in space, very often present a clear tendency to overcome the boundaries of art and mix with life, with society, with politics. Ultimately, it can be said that installation works are the opposite of a work-object: there is no longer the idea of “representing” a story or a thing, but of “presenting” it directly and triggering a critical reaction. The idea of an active spectator, who moves in the works and/or around them, who experiences the duration of the works, also implies a spectator who is more actively socially and politically engaged.



The “new languages” of sculpture

The term “new languages of sculpture” is used at Museion with the awareness of facing a challenge, that is, making the categories of art accessible to the public today in all their fluidity. In her famous essay “Sculpture in the Broader Field” Rosalind Krauss pointed out how “For postmodern art, practice is not defined as a function of a given medium – here sculpture – but of logical operations carried out on a set of cultural terms and for which any medium can be used: photographs, books, lines on walls, mirrors, or the sculpture itself. Thus this field provides both an expanded (but finite) structure of which the artist can occupy and explore the different articulations, and an organization of the work that is no longer dictated by the properties of a given medium”.

The “new languages” of sculpture


Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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