#TeleMuseion: a project on resistance that… resists!


The computer screen has become our window on the world, thanks to which also the girls and boys of the European ART WORKS project! European Culture of Resistance and Liberation are continuing to work.

At the center of the project is the theme of resistance, investigated in its universal values.

Initially the girls and boys took inspiration from historical facts linked to the city of Bolzano and reflected, for example, on the theme of the “anti-monument”. Subsequently, the research field evolved, also in response to the emergency situation in which we are living. Their current research therefore focuses on how the concept of self-care, taking care of oneself and therefore of the home as a refuge and real space compared with virtual space, but also on issues related to information and fake news.

The result will be a final work, which will be presented in May: stay tuned!

The project, which includes a series of exhibitions at the Cubo Garutti – Piccolo Museion, is led by the artist Alessandra Ferrini. The other partners are: Stiftung wanseeFORUM, Berlin, Verein HASENHERZ, Vienna, Zeithistorisches Zentrum Melk Memorial and the Museum of Contemporary Art Zegreb.


A test of physical endurance…
Wilhalm (Curon) by Sven Sachsalber

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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